From badminton to elbow fracture to surgery to elbow physio with SGPainRelief and better than before

by Sumantha R
(Novena (Singapore))

What a shock it was when I was happily playing badminton with my friends to a sudden fall and disaster when I heard that crack in my elbow. I called an ambulance and was rushed to the hospital, and the elbow surgeon rushed for an emergency elbow surgery.

As it's the first time I had such a major injury and surgery, I wasn't sure what to expect. Almost immediately after the surgery, the hand therapist came to me and started me on some elbow movements.

The next day, my elbow was more swollen but the doctor assessed the wound and allowed me to go home, after making my elbow therapy appointment with SGPainRelief in their Novena clinic, which was near my home.

The hand and elbow therapy session was simple at first, we worked on improving range of motion, bringing down the swelling and making sure that I didnt have any infections or anything like that.

What's good is when I get posted to Changi Business Park, I could swing by their Tampines hand therapy clinic, which was convenient for me.

As my elbow improved, the elbow therapy exercises started to become more difficult too - slowly worked on getting full range of motion (it was hard to get full straight elbow), to working on power and stamina.

Now, several months later since undergoing post elbow fracture surgery with elbow hand therapy from, I am proud to say that I can perform most daily activities and work with great ease and flexibility without any discomfort or pain whatsoever!

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Sep 03, 2023
Awesome Sumantha
by: Nigel

Hey Sumantha

It was a pleasure to serve you and help you rebuild and regain your elbow and hand movement, power and stamina - am pretty confident that you can go back to badminton and dominate the court soon

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