Successfully avoid hip surgery!

by Helen Oh
(Novena (Singapore))

As a 77-year-old woman, I had the misfortune of suffering a hip injury when i fell at home...I slipped in the toilet. I am usually extra careful, but I dont know what happened, I was entering the toilet and then all of a sudden, I found myself on the floor.

I was very shocked and afraid: did I break my hip like my mum?

The thought of needing hip surgery to repair my hip is very scary, would I be able to survive it? I called my son who quickly rushed an ambulance to me, and got me to the A&E of a private hospital near my home.

The attending orthopedic doctor called for an Xray, and it showed a mild but thankfully stable hip fracture.

I told the doctor that I preferred not to have hip replacement or hip surgery, and the doctor looked at the xray again, and asked me to take it easy and rest the night at the hospital, which I wasnt very keen for, but I didnt think I had a choice.

My buttock and hip was sore, and I didnt have a maid or anyone at home, so I had no choice but to agree to stay the night. It was hard to rest in the hospital as the nurses kept coming in and out and fussing, and the next day the doctor called for another xray.

The 2nd xray showed that my hip fracture is still in the same place, and he told me that meant that it's stable, and he said I could go home but with 2 conditions: (1) if the bone shifts in the next 4 weeks, I will have to do a hip replacement surgery immediately and (2) I will need to do some hip physiotherapy the next week. I went home with painkillers (which I managed to avoid taking as I could tolerate the pain and I didnt want to rely on painkillers)

My son recommended SGPainRelief, and I made the appointment to go to their clinic the next week. Long story short, I went to them twice a week, for a month. And each time they made me feel comfortable, safe, whilst they work on my hip and buttock muscles and joint.

They were very patient with me, teaching and going through every step of the hip fracture physio sessions with me (they were so patient and supportive), and in the end, I didn't have to have hip replacement surgery!

They didnt only work on my hip and back and buttock, but sessions with them also lifted my hopes and spirit. Even after months of sessions, they still took the time to discuss what was done, what our goals was and what was the next stage.

Thank you sg pain relief. I often look back on my experience with you all very gladly – you're my hip hero!

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Sep 05, 2023
Thank you for sharing your testimonial Helen
by: Nigel

Hi Helen

We're so grateful to be your hip hero physio, and gladder that you didnt have to do a hip replacement surgery!

Keep doing your hip strengthening exercises, and do be extra careful when going to the toilet at night okay =)

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